
Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010 Garden

2009 was my first year to have a vegetable garden. We had just bought a house that had a small plot and for a while I had been contemplating self-sufficiency, so before we even moved in, I started working on the garden. I had no prior gardening experience so I learned a lot about what NOT to do. This year this will be different. I had time to read and to research. Instead of planting a little of a lot of different kinds of vegetables, this year I am going to plant a lot of a few types.

On the list for this year:
  • Corn
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers and Hot Peppers
  • Onions
  • Pole Beans
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Zucchini
If I have room I would also like to plant squash, okra, and lettuce (although I may build a hydroponic system for this.)

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts concerning these veggies please let me know.

Here are some pictures of last years garden:

Until recent reading I have not really understood how our diet parallels our ability to be self sufficient. My next post will be about eating according to our design.

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